Heinrich was born June27. 1877 and died October 11, 196. He married Catherine Erb on August 24,1931.. . Catherine was born July 21, 1885 and died November 28, 1978 and is buried in Biddleborn Cemetery. Her father's name was Nick Erb. Nick's mother's maiden name was Louise Erdman.
Heinrich and Catherine's children:
Leonard Phillip born April 12, 1911 and died June 2, 1973. Leonard married Armita Elizabeth Weilmunster on August 24, 1971. She was born on May 2, 1912 and died 25 November 1984.
Leonard's children:
a. Clyde who born October 18, 1931. Clyde married June Simm on February 11, 1950. Their children are: David born October 4,1954, Stephen born 9 May 1957. Both David and Stephen were killed in an automobile accident on June 5, 1970 and are buried in Marissa Cemetery. Other children: Gerald born May 11, 1959, and Stephanie.
Pauline born on January 17, 1906 and died October 11, 1984 at Oakdale, IL. Pauline Juenger married Edwin Schwessler in Bellville 17 September 1925. Schwessler was born September 6, 1904. Pauline's children:
a. Curtis M Schenider b.xxx and who married Stella Behrens in July xx
b. Stanley b xxx dxxx who married Ella Borrenpohl
Stanley's children: Steve Kirth, twins Deb and Dan and Martha.
c. Merle born November 14, 1938. Married Barb Schilder
d. Jean born Sept 9, 1933 and died in
1984. Jean married Richard Helscher. Their children are Richard and Mark.
Alan Ludwig was born on March 17, 1909 and died as an infant May 10, 1909. He is buried in Biddleborn Cemetery.
Other children include Irene (birth and death dates unknown) and Violet (birth and death dates unknown) Violet married Willard Briesacher.
There is a lot of data for the Heinrich Juenger family, but there is a lot more left that must be collected. We urge you to fill in any blanks you can.
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