Monday, October 29, 2012

Nicholas Lough gravesite--possible husband of Anna Maria Juenger Lough

y County near Richland and purchased land from Vandalia Land Office.  He was probably born Mrch 17, 1833 and died November 1, 1898.  He was probably buried with his first wife and since Maria died after him, she is buried at Barth Cemetery with the Juenger family.


  1. The Nick of Richland Co. is not our grandmother's 2nd husband. I have their marriage certificate, 1901, and her obituary, 1906, and his death notice, 1908. He is buried in Mt. Pleasant Cemetery, Burnt Prarie, IL, likely next to Margaret, the mother of his children. Scarlett Imhoff, 309-314-8999.

  2. The Nick of Richland Co. is not our grandmother's 2nd husband. I have their marriage certificate, 1901, and her obituary, 1906, and his death notice, 1908. He is buried in Mt. Pleasant Cemetery, Burnt Prarie, IL, likely next to Margaret, the mother of his children. Scarlett Imhoff, 309-314-8999.

  3. Maria died in Sumpter IL near Carmi where she and Nicolas lived after the death of mr. Loughs first wife. Maria was helped to escape from Darmstadt to Carmi by Loughs who lived in st clair, richland, and White counties. She was given a divorce in Nashville IL. An old man from Darmstadt told me she had 14 children. I want to learn what happened to all those children.

  4. Maria died 1906, and Nicolas died 1908. He is buried beside the mother of his children in Mt. Pleasant Church yard, Burnt Prairie.
